• Duration:21 minutes and 25 seconds
  • Date:2019/11/15
  • Uploader:木犯001号
keywords: Timer FreeRTOS task
Learn how to use CMSIS_OS based on FreeRTOS operating system in your application

Intention of this training is to introduce main features, components, configuration options API functions of CMSIS_OS with usage of FreeRTOS operating system with usage of STM32 dedicated tools and HW.

Who should attend this course?
• Engineers looking to better understand FreeRTOS and its usage with STM32 MCUs
• Engineers looking for practical knowledge concerning implementation of FreeRTOS with other STM32 ecosystem components (HAL library, STM32CubeMX usage for code generation)

Training materials (slides, hands-on projects) can be downloaded from this link:
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