• Duration:44 minutes and 3 seconds
  • Date:2019/07/29
  • Uploader:JFET
Fundamentals of Information Theory is a professional basic course for undergraduates majoring in information and computing science, which requires certain mathematical foundations. The content includes basic knowledge of probability theory, basic concepts, methods and theorems about information quantification proposed by Shannon, as well as basic coding theory of information sources and basic coding theory of channels.
Information theory is an applied mathematics discipline that uses the methods of probability theory and mathematical statistics to study information, information entropy, communication systems, data transmission, cryptography, data compression and other issues.
Information theory considers the transmission of information as a statistical phenomenon and provides methods for estimating the capacity of communication channels. Information transmission and information compression are two major fields in information theory research. These two aspects are interconnected by the information transmission theorem and the source-channel isolation theorem.
Shannon is known as the "Father of Information Theory". People usually regard Shannon's paper "A Mathematical Theory of Communication" published in the "Journal of Bell System Technology" in October 1948 as the beginning of modern information theory research.
This set of basic information theory video tutorials is taught by teacher Dai Mingyuan of Tongji University. I hope it will be helpful to everyone's learning.
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