Home > Power Circuits > 8-way electric water heater sequence delay switch control circuit

8-way electric water heater sequence delay switch control circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:公子李 Keywords: Electric water heater delay switch switch control circuit air switch Updated: 2021/11/11

This article focuses on an 8-way constant temperature electric water heater that    uses a solar water heater and an auxiliary electric water heater to maintain constant water temperature. When the weather is sunny, this electric water heater relies on solar water heaters to provide heat; when it is cloudy and rainy, it relies on electric water heaters to maintain the water temperature. There are 8 electric water heaters in total, and the power of each water heater is 9KW. In order to reduce the load when closing, use 8 Only the air switch controls 8 electric water heaters respectively. When in use, you only need to open the air switch 8 times, and when not in use, you need to close the air switch 8 times. If there are too few air switches , the water temperature will rise slowly, and if there are too few air switches, electricity will be wasted. For this reason, today this article uses 89C2051 to create an 8-way electric water heater sequential delay switch controller, which can better control the water temperature. As shown below.


8-way electric water heater sequence delay switch control circuit




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