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  • Principles of Electronic Measurement 40
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  • Duration:46 minutes and 2 seconds
  • Date:2019/05/21
  • Uploader:老白菜
 This course is a teaching video of an excellent course on electronic measurement principles taught by teacher Zhan Huiqin from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. The full course has a total of 48 hours.

The Principles of Electronic Measurement course explains the basic principles, measurement errors and practical applications of electronic measurement. "Electronic Measurement Principles" includes 6 articles: Part 1: General Introduction to Measurement and Error Theory, which introduces the basic concepts, technical methods and system composition of measurement, error theory and data processing, etc. Part 2: Basic electrical parameter measurement, including frequency, voltage, impedance and other parameter measurements. The third part, Time Domain Measurement, uses the oscilloscope as the background to introduce the acquisition, display and application technology of time domain signal shapes. Part 4, Frequency Domain Measurement, focuses on the measurement of signal channels and network performance in the frequency domain, and introduces the basic working principles of measuring excitation signal sources. Part 5, Data Domain Testing, introduces the basic testing principles and methods of digital systems, including digital signal generation, logic analysis, testability design and typical examples of digital system testing. Part 6, Test System Integration Technology, explains the hardware platform, software platform, bus standards, communication technology, etc. to build the test system.
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