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  • Duration:15 minutes and 8 seconds
  • Date:2019/04/20
  • Uploader:JFET
Through this course, you will learn about the basic concepts of sensors and their basic characteristics (static and dynamic characteristics), the working principles, structural composition, characteristic analysis, signal conditioning circuits of typical sensors, and the testing methods of typical parameters (vibration, temperature, flow), System composition; understand the application of sensors and testing technology in the national economy and the latest development trends; improve learners' ability to creatively use knowledge and independently discover, research and solve problems.
We divide the sensor and testing technology course into four parts (basic theory of sensor and testing technology, sensor principle, typical parameter measurement, precision measuring instruments), sixteen chapters, and a total of 26 lectures. The main contents include: basic concepts of sensors and testing technology, systematic characteristic analysis of testing, strain gauge sensors, capacitive sensors, inductive sensors, piezoelectric sensors, Hall sensors, CCD image sensors, optical fiber sensors, and induction synchronization instrument, measurement grating and other grating sensors, other sensors, vibration measurement, temperature measurement, flow measurement, three coordinate measuring machine.
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