This video uses the Zhengdian Atomic Apollo STM32F767 development board as the platform. It will lead you to learn the various functions of STM32F767 from the simple to the deep, and start a new STM32 journey for you.
I am a process engineer and I want to measure the water tightness of a cavity, but the humidity meters on the market are too big to fit in. I checked some information and found that the humidifier nee
I want to call GetUnicastIpAddressTable(Family, (PMIB_UNICASTIPADDRESS_TABLE *)&(Table)); function in the Filter driver to get the IP address of the network card. [code]struct sockaddr_in { short sin_
Generally, engineers engaged in electronics will encounter this situation. Suddenly one day, the boss brings a circuit board or a specific product and asks you to analyze it. What should you do? When