What is the maximum transfer speed from external RAM to internal RAM of chip? It is a 72M high-speed SRAM with a clock of 10ns. I tried the following example according to keilARMExamplesSTSTM32F10xFWL
[list=1] [*][color=#008200]/***********************************************************[/color] [*][color=#008200]Program function: Control 8 LEDs to flash, used to test whether the download function
**** Begin Sector Clear Operation ****
OK: Flash Algorithm loaded into DSP memory
OK: Write sector value 0x0001 to symbol PRG_options
OK: Set Breakpoint at PRG_stop
OK: Running flash algorithm
I originally wanted to write separate posts for camera peripherals and USB peripherals, but I was thinking of making a UVC camera that can transfer camera image data to a PC host computer via USB for
When developing an application on a simulator, I want to read a file with a known path on the host to obtain data and then process it. How can I read the file on the host?