• Duration:1 minutes and 52 seconds
  • Date:2013/01/01
  • Uploader:EE资深网友
keywords: Microchip
8-bit PIC MCU products with intelligent analog features

a) PIC12F752/PIC16F753 are mid-range 8-bit MCUs with intelligent analog features. The PIC12F752 integrates a 10-bit ADC with 4 input channels, a 5-bit DAC, and a core-independent complementary output generator (COG) and many other on-chip general-purpose and specialized peripherals. PIC16F753 further improves the performance of intelligent simulation on the basis of PIC12F752 and adds more intelligent simulation functions. The PIC16F753 integrates a 10-bit ADC with 8 input channels, a 9-bit DAC, an op amp with a gain bandwidth product (GBWP) of 3 MHz, and a slope compensation (SC) module that facilitates switching power supply applications. Numerous intelligent simulation functions help improve system performance and efficiency while reducing system costs. With enhancements such as op amps and slope compensation, the PIC16F753 enables efficient power conversion for applications such as LED lighting and power control. In addition, the 8-channel 10-bit ADC can be used to implement mTouch touch sensing applications such as various sensors and capacitive touch.
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