The LDO+ regulator does more than just regulate. Their functions include monitoring and control as well as regulation. The LT3081 has a wide safe area, allowing operation at high currents with high input-to-output voltage dropout. The output voltage is adjustable from 0V to 37V and is reverse voltage tolerant. In addition to regulation, the device has a current monitor output that provides an analog output current proportional to the regulator's output. The current limit can be adjusted using a single external resistor. The second monitor current is proportional to chip temperature. This output can be used to monitor system health, airflow, and be useful in debugging. Unlike any other regulator, the LT3081's output capacitor is optional. It remains stable without the use of output or input capacitors. The LT3081 can be used in applications where intrinsic safety is important and can also be used as a current source. Finally, its output is adjustable down to 0V, which means that as logic voltages continue to trend lower, this device will never become obsolete.
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