Send three bytes through the serial assistant (9600-8-0-1). If the first byte is 0x34, it returns two bytes 0x03 and 0x00, and continues to wait for new input; if the first byte is not 0x34, it does n
In the void SystemInit (void) function, check if (BKP_ReadBackupRegister(BKP_DR1)==0x5050). If they are equal, set the flag bit update_flag to 0. Then check the flag bit in the main function and then
[size=5]emcv is a ported version of OpenCV for the C6000 series DSP. Currently, only the part used in our work has been completed. [/size] [size=5]Here is a brief introduction on how to use emcv: [/si
I am using a mini2440 from FriendlyArm. When I use ActiveSync to download programs, I cannot download. It says: A Corrupted file might be left on the device. What is going on? I used to be able to dow
1. Add Altera library
1. Create a new folder ..\Modelsim\altera in the Modelsim installation directory (most tutorials arrange it this way, so I did it too, but it can be in any directory).
2. Start M