This is a circuit using a 6N137 optocoupler through a push-pull circuit output. What confuses me is that the current circuit CLK can only output a voltage of 5V instead of the expected 12V. Why is tha
AT89C51 is a low voltage, high performance CMOS 8-bit microprocessor with 4K bytes of flash programmable and erasable read-only memory (FPEROM), commonly known as a single-chip microcomputer. AT89C205
I have studied "Transistor Circuit Design" for a while. I made an experimental product based on the miniature power amplifier circuit in the book and it was relatively successful. Then I wanted to mak
[b]Abstract[/b]: This paper introduces the configuration methods of ACEX 1K series devices, analyzes and compares several methods, and focuses on the advantages of using configuration devices to confi