1 RTC structural characteristics The basic function of the real-time clock is to keep track of time and date information, but many RTCs also provide a variety of additional functions, such as watchdog
Friday, March 14, 2008 12:00 Section 1 Three-terminal voltage regulator ICs Common three-terminal voltage regulator integrated circuits in electronic products include the 78×× series with positive vol
Leading a team to drill wells in Kunming, Yunnan, with a total of 7 geological drilling rigs. Those equipments are capable of drilling hundreds of meters underground. . .
Using the AD5292 digital potentiometer, the OP184 operational amplifier, and MOSFETs to build a programmable high-voltage source with increased output current
[i=s]This post was last edited by paulhyde on 2014-9-15 09:18[/i]
Starting from the month, noYou don't need a single-chip microcomputer to realize it; try to work in the mainstream profession, for exa