• Duration:4 minutes and 51 seconds
  • Date:2015/06/09
  • Uploader:chenyy
MAX 10 was dubbed the "next generation non-volatile FPGA" as early as its definition. Altera has integrated a large number of peripheral devices (including oscillators, clocks, analog-to-digital converters, temperature sensors, etc.) into MAX 10, and the core 32-bit processor of the past system can also be replaced by Altera's soft-core processor Nios II. , which can reduce the circuit board area by 50%.

The MAX 10's embedded processing capabilities also help increase system value. (1) MAX 10 is a single-chip embedded processor system with soft-core Nios II processor support, smaller pin layout and no need for external RAM or storage; (2) User-customizable processor, with features not found in MCUs It has flexibility; (3) supports real-time applications and completes configuration within 10 ms, which is particularly important for automotive and industrial applications; (4) maintains a long product life cycle.

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