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  • Duration:10 minutes and 27 seconds
  • Date:2018/04/01
  • Uploader:老白菜
Main content: definition of artificial intelligence, tree search algorithm, information-free search strategy, heuristic search strategy, constraint satisfaction problem solving, game algorithm, Bayesian network, hidden Markov model, Kalman filter.

Features: The teaching time of the artificial intelligence course in the school is 32 hours. It is a required professional course for master's degree students in computer science and technology. Since the basic theory of artificial intelligence involves intelligent search, reasoning, machine learning, etc., it is an essential theoretical foundation for various research directions of current information graduate students, and can lay a good foundation for students to conduct in-depth research in various directions. The ideas can be applied to pattern recognition, intelligent analysis and processing of images and videos, data mining and intelligent processing applications of various information. Since the course teaching focuses on the description of algorithms, students will not find it boring and can master intelligent ideas well through practical exercises combined with programming.
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