• Duration:25 minutes and 35 seconds
  • Date:2018/02/26
  • Uploader:老白菜
Loop Compensation of a Flyback Part 1

Tutorial on how to set the loop compensation, and simulation of a Flyback supply

Loop Compensation of a Flyback Part 2

In this video, we verify the Average mode; (Jack's model) against a Switching model (Basso's model).
Loop Compensation of a Voltage Mode Flyback Part 3
In this video, I show how to use Jack's model to simulate a "Voltage Mode" Forward converter. I show a step-by-step procedure in compensating a second order filter and how to damp the filter. Also show how to use SPICE to display the frequency response of the Ouput Filter and the the Error Amp.
Loop compensation of a Multiple Output flyback Part 4
In this video, I show how to use Jack's model to simulate multiple output flyback.

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