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  • Example 9-8 Use of Filter Express VI
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  • Duration:5 minutes and 20 seconds
  • Date:2018/01/04
  • Uploader:老白菜
"LabVIEW2010 Chinese Version of Virtual Instrument from Getting Started to Mastering" explains the application technology and application skills of LabVIEW from simple to profound, and introduces the usage methods and skills of LabVIEW in a simple and easy-to-understand manner through the combination of theory and examples.

The book is divided into 12 chapters, which introduces the use of LabVIEW, including an introduction to the basic operation interface of the Chinese version of LabVIEW2010, methods of creating and editing VIs, program control structure block diagrams, variables and data, signals and their analysis, data collection, and optimization of VIs. Methods, knowledge of LabVIEW applications in communications and networks. Each chapter is equipped with necessary examples, with the purpose of allowing readers to master the LabVIEW programming method more quickly using examples.

"LabVIEW2010 Chinese Version of Virtual Instruments from Beginner to Master" is mainly for beginners and intermediate users of LabVIEW, introducing the basic knowledge and basic skills of LabVIEW programming. It can be used as a teaching and reference book for relevant majors in universities and technical secondary schools, and can also be used for related Reference for engineering technicians and software engineers.
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