• Duration:14 minutes and 3 seconds
  • Date:2018/01/04
  • Uploader:老白菜
keywords: robot LabVIEW

This course vividly introduces students to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) concepts and theories. LabVIEW can help you easily and quickly build programs for data entry, robot driving, or information analysis. LabVIEW Middle School Edition is jointly developed by NI and the Center for Engineering Education and Practice (CEEO) at Tufts University. This product can better meet the needs of engineering education and is compatible with core hardware education platforms such as LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT intelligent robots, Vernier sensor data acquisition cards SensorDAQ and Go! Sensors sensors, and the metal robot construction system TETRIX™ developed by Pitsco Achieve seamless integration.

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