• Duration:59 minutes and 57 seconds
  • Date:2018/01/04
  • Uploader:老白菜
LabVIEW is currently the most popular programming software, especially in the testing and control fields. Programming is very convenient. This book comes with a CD containing multimedia teaching videos that are fully matched with the content of this book and the source files involved in this book.
"Mastering LabVIEW Virtual Instrument Programming" has a total of 18 chapters, divided into 4 parts. The main contents covered are: understanding of virtual instruments, understanding and use of basic LabVIEW controls, data collection, data transmission, data processing, data display, calling with other software, calling with system files, using with databases, and complex programs Programming technology, etc. In order to make it easier for readers to learn, the last few chapters of this book explain some small projects in the form of examples, and analyze the user management programming technology, hardware calling and control technology, and the methods of using other software together, so that readers can have an in-depth understanding of the integration of LabVIEW application.
"Mastering LabVIEW Virtual Instrument Programming" is suitable for the majority of LabVIEW beginners, enthusiasts, engineering project developers, and teachers and students from various colleges and universities. It is especially suitable for readers who love LabVIEW programming to get started and improve.
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