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Innovation drives voltage reference state of the art

Total of 1 lesson ,8 minutes and 6 seconds

  Most system designers use voltage references in their circuits. While many people agree that performance can end up being benchmark-limited, they often don't know why. With so many benchmark products available on the market, designers often make their selection based on price versus accuracy trade-offs, using only initial accuracy and TC (temperature coefficient) specifications as a measure of accuracy.

  As applications have evolved, so have voltage references. In terms of importance, features such as noise, thermal stability, load and voltage regulation, and size may be identical to, or even greater than, the more obvious accuracy specifications.

  The three new products offered by LTC, the LT6654, LTC6655 and LT6656, have carefully chosen combinations of features and specifications to make them compatible with common applications.

  This video explains these features in detail and introduces the products that are best suited for these types of system designs.

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