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  • 15-3_RaspberryPi_UPC_3_zbarPython-D
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  • Duration:1 minutes and 32 seconds
  • Date:2017/11/19
  • Uploader:老白菜

Course Introduction:
In two and a half years, nearly 3.5 million units have been sold worldwide! The self-made artifact Raspberry Pi can definitely do more than you imagine! The Raspberry Pi, born in 2012, is definitely qualified to write a glorious record in the history of computer development. It can be said to be the most amazing low-cost scale computer today. A video tutorial that you can’t miss if you want to become a Raspberry Pi DIY expert.

Course objectives:
In this video tutorial, you can learn the following technologies:
Setting up
a USB external hard disk file server on a web page
; Home cloud storage system and private cloud
; LCD dot-matrix liquid crystal weather forecaster; Internet of
Things temperature monitor
; Cameras and camcorders;
Security surveillance system
augmented reality Ambient image recognition system,
smart TV
P2P file downloader,
remote control electrical switch,
mini wireless router,
pocket wireless base station,
digital player,
screen and digital photo frame ,
supercomputer and other applications

. Suitable objects:
"For Blueberry Pi, for embedded systems, Internet of Things, smart phones" Interested in home appliances."

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