I want C8051F300, but the C8051F series microcontrollers seem to be more troublesome. The ports need to be configured. Until now, the ports have not been adjusted. I can't even turn on the LED light.
If there are errors or warnings during the use or compilation of TangDynasty, the corresponding information will be displayed through the Error or Warning at the bottom, and there will be a correspond
Error[e27]: Entry "Delay5ms" in module play ( F:\工程\Debug\Obj\play.r43 ) redefined in module playmain ( F:\工程\Debug\Obj\playmain.r43 ) Specifically, I have void Delay5ms (void) in my play.c, and then
I used Zstack to modify the code according to the tutorial, and then compiled and ran it correctly, but it didn't work when I downloaded it to the development board, and I couldn't see what was wrong.
What role does the Y capacitor play in power supply design? Which part is closely related to EMI design? In which designs and applications are leakage currents of particular concern? Let's continue re