Basic concepts of wavelet and filter design. Bioorthogonal wavelet filter decomposition and reconstruction process. Design and application of a biorthogonal multi-wavelet filter.
Realize constant pressure control of gas circuitProject budget:¥5,000~10,000
Development cycle: 60 days
Project Category: Embedded
Bidding requirements:Project tag:Constant pressure controlProject Des
I bought an ESP8266MOD module, but I don't know how to write the program to it. This module has a USB interface. I want to use ESP8266_RTOS_SDK to develop the program
[align=left]Job Description[/align][align=left] [/align][align=left]1. Track the release of eSIM/eUICC international standards and domestic operator-related enterprise and industry standards, and writ
The best is AVR series microcontroller, of course Atmega128 is better. The input waveform is 50Hz square wave. The frequency and period are obtained through T/C1 interrupt capture and displayed by the