Adaptive filter algorithm and practical application

Adaptive filter algorithm and practical application


Introduces the theoretical basis and main applications of adaptive filters: system identification, interference elimination, channel equalization design, etc.

Total of 24 lessons10 hours and 12 minutes and 1 seconds

RF circuits and antennas

RF circuits and antennas

filterradio frequency

Course Nature: "Radio Frequency Circuits and Antennas" is an important professional basic course for information engineering, electronic science and technology, integrated circuits and physical electronics. It is closely related to the modern electronic information industry, especially the wireless communications and mobile communications industries. However, these courses are classic traditional courses. How to enable undergraduates who do not have a strong foundation in mathematics and physics to learn these courses well and understand and master the knowledge and technologies most closely related to modern electronic information technology within a limited number of hours is an important task. A difficult problem facing these courses is a constrained optimization problem.

Total of 90 lessons2 days and 15 hours and 24 minutes and 45 seconds

Digital Signal Processing Beihang University Wang Jun

Digital Signal Processing Beihang University Wang Jun

DSPfilterDigital Signal Processing

Taking audio signal processing as an example, a problem-oriented experimental teaching model is adopted, equipped with modular experimental routines such as signal spectrum analysis, filter design, filter implementation, and course comprehensive experiments, including analog filters, Matlab/FPGA/DSP digital filtering Devices etc. Analog filter examples connect relevant course content such as electronic circuits, signals and systems to increase the continuity of knowledge. Examples of digital filters to strengthen the connection and difference between "digital signal processing" and "signals and systems".

Total of 40 lessons8 hours and 26 minutes and 55 seconds

Wavelets and filter banks

Wavelets and filter banks

filterwaveletChinese Academy of SciencesPeng Silong

Basic concepts of wavelet and filter design. Bioorthogonal wavelet filter decomposition and reconstruction process.

Total of 56 lessons19 hours and 22 minutes and 45 seconds

Wavelets and filter banks

Wavelets and filter banks

filterwaveletChinese Academy of SciencesPeng Silong

Total of 56 lessons19 hours and 51 minutes and 50 seconds




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