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  • Duration:4 minutes and 56 seconds
  • Date:2017/09/23
  • Uploader:老白菜
This course is one of the two major branches of electronic technology foundation and is an introductory technical basic course. The main content of the course is the basic principles of electronic devices and electronic circuits, analysis and design methods of digital circuits, and typical applications in practice. The knowledge points of Tsinghua University's "Fundamentals of Digital Electronics Technology" course include basics of logic algebra, gate circuits, combinational logic circuits, sequential logic circuits, pulse waveform generation and shaping, semiconductor memory, programmable logic devices, and digital/analog and analog/ Several conversion circuits, etc. The basic requirements of the course are to master the basic theories, basic knowledge and basic skills of electronic technology, cultivate the ability to analyze and solve problems, and lay a solid foundation for in-depth study of electronic technology and its application in professional fields.
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