Atmel maXTouch S Series Touchscreen Controller - Create the product you've always dreamed of

Atmel maXTouch S Series Touchscreen Controller - Create the product you've always dreamed of

AtmelmaXTouchTouch screen controller

Atmel's maXTouch S series touch screen controllers are the next generation of breakthrough unlimited touch technology....

Total of 1 lessons4 minutes and 49 seconds

Atmel MaxTouch T Series Touchscreen Controller - Stylus Glove Support

Atmel MaxTouch T Series Touchscreen Controller - Stylus Glove Support

AtmelmaXTouchTouch screen controller

New features of the Atmel MaxTouch T series include: hovering up to 20 cm...

Total of 1 lessons2 minutes and 57 seconds

Easily write Chinese on capacitive touch screen mobile phones——Cypress touch screen controller

Easily write Chinese on capacitive touch screen mobile phones——Cypress touch screen controller

Touch screen controllerCypressTrueTouch

Cypress Semiconductor’s TrueTouch® Gen4 Series of Touchscreen Controllers Now Available with Advanced Features

Total of 1 lessons1 minutes and 31 seconds

Which touchscreen controller is the most waterproof – Cypress Gen5 beats the pack

Which touchscreen controller is the most waterproof – Cypress Gen5 beats the pack

Touch screen controllerCypressTrueTouch

Which touchscreen controller is the most waterproof – Cypress Gen5 beats the pack

Total of 1 lessons4 minutes and 47 seconds




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