Introduction to UAV Design-Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Introduction to UAV Design-Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics


Introduction to UAV Design mainly trains students to understand the concepts and characteristics of UAVs, initially master the theory, methods and processes of UAV overall design and structural design, and understand the relevant key technologies as UAV systems; through some practical courses , understand the structure, manufacturing methods, and development process of UAVs.

Total of 40 lessons6 hours and 26 minutes and 48 seconds

Fundamentals of Control Engineering Guo Meifeng, Tsinghua University

Fundamentals of Control Engineering Guo Meifeng, Tsinghua University

controlstabilityFrequency domain analysisresponse

The basic course of control engineering is a professional basic course for undergraduates in the School of Mechanical Engineering. The main contents of the basic course in control engineering include: electromechanical system modeling, system time domain transient response analysis, frequency domain analysis, system stability and error analysis, and controller design. The teaching of the basic course of control engineering at Tsinghua University mainly focuses on the analysis and correction of closed-loop control systems, providing students with a solid foundation and rich applications.

Total of 66 lessons8 hours and 59 minutes and 40 seconds

Simplify and accelerate active filter design

Simplify and accelerate active filter design

stabilityactive filtersignal conditioningbandpass flatness

The success of a system design depends on proper signal conditioning in the signal path. It is important to understand and implement correct filtering to obtain the best compromise of characteristics such as roll-off, bandpass flatness, and stability. In this online seminar, our analog experts will analyze the design process of low-pass and high-pass active filters, discuss filter principles and architecture, and introduce design tools and new active filters that can help simplify and accelerate the design process. Filter Evaluation Board

Total of 1 lessons37 minutes and 13 seconds




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