intelligent control

intelligent control

Neural Networksintelligent controlfuzzy controlgenetic algorithm

Intelligent controls refer to automatic control technology that can autonomously drive intelligent machines to achieve control goals without human intervention. The development of control theory has a history of more than 100 years. It has gone through the development stages of "classical control theory" and "modern control theory" and has entered the stage of "large system theory" and "intelligent control theory". This video talks about neural networks, fuzzy mathematics and fuzzy control, and intelligent optimization algorithms. Humanoid intelligent control

Total of 64 lessons22 hours and 32 minutes and 42 seconds

Intelligent Control Cai Zixing, Central South University

Intelligent Control Cai Zixing, Central South University

intelligent controlExpert Controlfuzzy controlevolutionary control

Chapter 1: Introduction to Intelligent Control Chapter 2: Hierarchical Control System Chapter 3: Expert Control System Chapter 4: Fuzzy Control System Chapter 5: Neural Control Chapter 6: Learning Control System Chapter 7: Evolutionary Control and Immunity Control Chapter 8: Composite Intelligent Control Chapter 9: Other Intelligent Control Chapter 10: Outlook for Intelligent Control

Total of 26 lessons18 hours and 26 minutes and 3 seconds




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