Microchip switching regulator product line introduction

Microchip switching regulator product line introduction

MicrochipSwitching Regulators

Microchip switching regulator products are introduced. According to the topology, they can be divided into buck type and boost type. Buck type products can be further subdivided into pulse width modulation type and frequency modulation type.

Total of 1 lessons10 minutes and 55 seconds

Minimizing Switching Regulator Carryover in Linear Regulator Outputs

Minimizing Switching Regulator Carryover in Linear Regulator Outputs

Linear RegulatorsLinearSwitching Regulators

The causes of dynamic limitations of linear regulators are explained, and board-level techniques are introduced to measure and improve ripple and suppress spikes.

Total of 1 lessons4 minutes and 59 seconds

Switching Regulator Power Loss

Switching Regulator Power Loss

LinearSwitching Regulators

Efficiency values ​​can be manipulated using input and output voltages, while power losses are more closely related to the actual circuit. This video explains why.

Total of 1 lessons7 minutes and 26 seconds

Diode conduction time causes switching regulator failure

Diode conduction time causes switching regulator failure

LinearDiodeSwitching Regulatorsdiode

Diode forward conduction time is often not confirmed, and manufacturers rarely give clear regulations. This parameter describes the time it takes for a diode to conduct and clamp to its forward voltage drop.

Total of 1 lessons6 minutes and 2 seconds




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