Linux kernel analysis and application Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications (Chen Lijun)

Linux kernel analysis and application Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications (Chen Lijun)

LinuxBlock devicesMemory managementProcess Management

The main lecture of this course is based on my 20 years of research and teaching on the Linux kernel. It effectively summarizes the content and uses the separation of mechanisms and strategies as the guiding ideology to analyze the design ideas and data structures of the Linux kernel, so that everyone can learn more about it. After studying each chapter, we will lead you to the door of the Linux kernel by writing Linux kernel modules and analyzing the source code.

Total of 50 lessons11 hours and 1 minutes and 17 seconds

Linux embedded development

Linux embedded development

LinuxCharacter DeviceBlock devices

ARM Linux system driver development, transplantation, and real project examples

Total of 115 lessons2 days and 2 hours and 51 minutes and 35 seconds




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