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Linux kernel analysis and application Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications (Chen Lijun)

Total of 50 lessons ,11 hours and 1 minutes and 17 seconds

In the study of the huge Linux kernel source code, how to grasp the main clues and ideas, and how to effectively apply what has been learned, the main lecture of this course is based on my 20 years of research and teaching on the Linux kernel. Effective summary, using the separation of mechanisms and strategies as the guiding ideology, analyzes the design ideas and data structures of the Linux kernel, allowing everyone to enter the Linux kernel by writing Linux kernel modules and analyzing source code after studying each chapter. door. At the same time, we invite kernel expert Mr. Xie Baoyou and front-line engineer Zhang Tianfei to share their many years of experience in kernel combat at the front line of enterprises, so that you can be consistent in your hands-on practice, from theory to practice, and from practice to theory, open up the connection between knowledge, and master the system. Level software design ideas and methods. Welcome everyone to learn the top work in the open source world - the Linux kernel.


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