Live Replay: ADI’s Vital Sign Monitoring Solutions in Wearable Products

Live Replay: ADI’s Vital Sign Monitoring Solutions in Wearable Products

NAMEwearablevital signsVSM

With the continuous development of electronic technology and new breakthroughs in communication technologies such as cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G, digital health has experienced rapid expansion and adoption. Vital signs monitoring (VSM) functions have increasingly been built into mobile phones, watches, and other smart wearable devices, which are capable of measuring various vital signs and health indicators, such as body temperature, heart rate, respiration, blood oxygen saturation ( SpO2), blood pressure and body composition, etc. At the same time, due to excellent power consumption control and a more portable use experience, 24-hour continuous monitoring of the body is possible. The COVID-19 pandemic has also led to a demand for small and convenient health tracking devices (most The demand for smart wearable devices has reached new highs. There are huge challenges in adding multiple detection capabilities to small devices because it means smaller size, lower power consumption, and higher integration.

Total of 1 lessons54 minutes and 15 seconds

Live replay: TI Wireless Scenery Wearable Seminar

Live replay: TI Wireless Scenery Wearable Seminar


Here, we only talk about the dry stuff! 1. Introduction to TI Bluetooth CC2640R2F 2. Key points of low-power design of wearable devices 3. Derived from the application of multi-master and multi-slave in smart wearable devices 4. Small size, low power consumption power supply solution 5. Heart rate measurement analog front-end solution

Total of 3 lessons3 minutes and 3 seconds

Google Wear wearable system communication mechanism cracked

Google Wear wearable system communication mechanism cracked

CommunicationswearableGoogle Wear

Core content: 1. Run Android wear example 2. Create Android wear notification

Total of 6 lessons27 minutes and 34 seconds




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