Live replay: Keysight's small probes, big knowledge, don't let the probes drag down your test results!

Live replay: Keysight's small probes, big knowledge, don't let the probes drag down your test results!


The probe is a key part of the test system. If the probe is improperly selected or has poor performance, even with a high-performance oscilloscope, the accuracy of the measurement results cannot be guaranteed. An inappropriate probe may reduce the bandwidth performance of the system to a fraction of the original! Here we will give you an in-depth explanation of the basics of probes and explore their overall impact on the test system. We will also show you the actual operation of Keysight's latest InfiniiMax 4 series probes and UXR oscilloscopes to let you understand how to optimize test performance.

Total of 2 lessons2 hours and 7 minutes and 58 seconds

Live replay: Keysight high-speed oscilloscope basics and Keysight new oscilloscope analysis

Live replay: Keysight high-speed oscilloscope basics and Keysight new oscilloscope analysis

OscilloscopeKeysighthigh speedEXR

You can learn: basics and typical applications of high-speed oscilloscopes; analysis of oscilloscope structure; waveform update rate; probe architecture, tips and tricks; jitter, eye diagram testing and basic principles; sharing of basic and typical applications of oscilloscopes; Keysight’s new oscilloscopes EXR and MXR , UXR analysis

Total of 6 lessons1 hours and 21 minutes and 27 seconds




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