Live replay: How Microchip protects your IP in cloud service connections

Live replay: How Microchip protects your IP in cloud service connections


Currently, various applications and businesses implemented through cloud services are developing rapidly, resulting in a large number of cloud service connections. This means your IP is facing greater and broader threats from hackers, counterfeiters, and competitors. We will explore these potential threats and how to protect against them using a combination of software and hardware solutions.

Total of 2 lessons42 minutes and 20 seconds

Seminar: Introduction to Microchip’s latest SAM and PIC32 microcontroller software development platform - MPLAB® Harmony V3

Seminar: Introduction to Microchip’s latest SAM and PIC32 microcontroller software development platform - MPLAB® Harmony V3


This online seminar will introduce Microchip's latest software development platform based on SAM and PIC32 microcontrollers - MPLAB® Harmony V3, and provide an in-depth analysis of how MPLAB Harmony V3, as a unified and powerful content development and delivery environment, will use a set of optimizations peripheral libraries, simplified drivers, and modular software downloads to enhance engineers’ experience in application development and accelerate project development.

Total of 3 lessons1 hours and 20 seconds

Atmel SAM L21 ultra-low power consumption test

Atmel SAM L21 ultra-low power consumption test


Atmel demonstrated the CoreMark benchmark test of SAM L21 at the Electronica exhibition in November 2014.

Total of 1 lessons1 minutes and 16 seconds




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