C51 microcontroller development practice - intelligent tracking car

C51 microcontroller development practice - intelligent tracking car

MicrocontrollerC51Intelligent tracking car

An important way to learn C51 microcontroller is application practice. Through this course, you can learn the cooperative use of PWM technology, interrupts, infrared modules and motor modules, and have a deeper understanding of individual technologies. In addition, students will also learn solutions to engineering projects to provide assistance for subsequent independent development.

Total of 5 lessons42 minutes and 55 seconds

First introduction to microcontroller

First introduction to microcontroller


As the application prospects of microcontrollers are becoming more and more extensive, more and more people are learning microcontrollers. Because of its simple structure and stable operation, the 51 microcontroller has become the first choice for many microcontroller beginners. This course is designed to lead beginners to understand the structure and development process of the 51 microcontroller, so that everyone can get started learning the 51 microcontroller.

Total of 3 lessons16 minutes and 18 seconds

C51 microcontroller development practice - smoke alarm

C51 microcontroller development practice - smoke alarm

MicrocontrollerC51Smoke detector

The important way to learn microcontrollers is to apply them through practice. Through this course, you can learn the use of photoelectric, gas-sensing---MQ2 sensors, adc modules, as well as some development skills of microcontroller engineering, and have a deeper understanding of individual technologies. Help with subsequent study.

Total of 5 lessons43 minutes and 30 seconds




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