This series introduces the principles and system design of microcomputers, the number system and code system in computers, the structure and functions of 8086CPU, 8086CPU instruction system, assembly language programming, bus and its formation, memory design, and interface technology of commonly used chips
Mechanical Engineering Men Use Gravity Principle to Play with "Magic Tools" :
[b][size=4]You can do it too, come and learn! [/size][/b]:pleased:
[list] [*] From the perspective of industry, my country's security industry has gradually grown up with the development of the socialist market economy. Since the reform and opening up, driven by the
Hello everyone, I am new to Wince, and I want to transplant it to the PXA27X board, but I don't know how to start. Please give me some advice. If you have any relevant information, please give me a co
---------Relationship between registers in ARM state and Thumb state---------------- 1> I saw the following words in a reference book some time ago: There are two elements that determine which registe