This series of teaching videos will lead you from scratch to master Vivado HLS and UltraFAST design methods from scratch, step by step, helping you become a master of system design and algorithm acceleration! This course includes five topics: the design process of Vivado HLS, coding style when describing algorithms in C or C++, optimization methods of for loops, optimization methods of arrays, and implementation of input/output ports.
[i=s]This post was last edited by lonerzf on 2014-12-3 08:35[/i] I finally debugged the host computer today, I am very happy. :loveliness:It is mainly divided into 4 parts MSP430FR5969 expansion board
Wince5.0 supports 1G virtual memory and 512M physical memory. Part of the 1G virtual memory is mapped to the physical memory, so where is the rest mapped to? Is it ROM, FLASH? If there is no hard disk
Does anyone have the electronic version of Voltage Sourced Converters in Power Systems? I need it urgently for my paper! Thank you. Email: [email][/email]
[i=s]This post was last edited by dontium on 2015-1-23 11:43[/i] [font=宋体][size=3]I have just studied "[color=#000000]Comparison of Package Level Trim and Other Offset Correction Methods[/color]", lin