AT89C51 instant water heater program

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Instantaneous water heater program MCU AT89C51 XAL 12MHz

//#pragma SRC 
void delay(unsigned int); //Delay function

void display(void); //display functionunsigned 
char keysCAN(void); //key scan processing functionvoid 
heatCTRl(void); //heating control functionvoid 
temptest(void); //temperature measurement functionsbit 
swkey=P1^0; //switch keysbit 
upkey=P1^1; //heating gear "+" keysbit 
downkey=P1^2; //heating gear "-" keysbit 
buzz=P1^05; //buzzer output 
terminalsbit triac=P1^6; //thyristor trigger signal output terminalsbit 
relay=P1^7; //relay control signal output terminalsbit 
LED1=P2^5; //heating gear indicator light 1 
sbit led2=P2^6; //heating gear indicator light 2 
sbit led3=P2^7; //heating gear indicator light 3 
signed char data ctemp; //current measured water temperature 
registerunsigned char data dispram[2]={0x10,0x10}; //display area 
cacheunsigned char data heatpower,px0count; //Heating gear register, external interrupt 0 counter 
bit tempov,t0tst,testok; //Over-temperature flag, temperature measurement start flag, temperature measurement completion flag 
  Main function void main(void) 
  No parameters, no return valueCyclic 
  call display, key scan, temperature detection, heating control function 
void main(void) 
unsigned char i,j; 
ctemp=15; //Initialize water temperature register 
heatpower=5; //Initialize heating gear to 5 when 
tempov=0; //Clear over-temperature flag 
swkey=0; //Default switch key is pressed, enter standby state 
TMOD=0x11; //Set T0 and T1 working mode as 16-bit timer 
TCON=0x05; //Set external interrupt 0 and 1 to falling edge trigger 
IP=0x01; //Set external interrupt 0 priority 
IE=0x80; //Open total interruptwhile 
    for (j=0;j<100;j++) //Loop 100 times, about 0.5s 
      if (keyscan()) i=6; //If a key is pressed, display the current gear for 3s 
      display(); //Call the display function once for about 4ms 
      heatctrl(); //Call the heating control function 
      }//end for (b=0;b<100;b++) 
    temptest(); //Measure the temperature every 0.5s 
    } while (--i); //Determine whether to refresh the display by changing the size of the number of loops i 
  j=abs(ctemp); //Get the absolute value of the temperature 
  dispram[1]=j%10; //Get the ones digit and send it to the display 
  j/=10; //Get the tens digit 
  dispram[0]=j?j:0x11; //Send it to the display (with zero extinguishing) 
  }//end while (1) 

  Delay function void delay(unsigned int dt) 
  Parameter: dt, no return value 
  Delay time = dt*500 machine cycles 
void delay(unsigned int dt) 

register unsigned char bt; //define register variable 
for (; dt; dt--) 
  for (bt=250; --bt; ); //This sentence is implemented as "DJNZ" when compiled, 250*2=500 machine cycles 

  Display function void display(void) 
  no parameters, no return value 
  two-digit common anode digital tube scanning display 
void display(void) 

unsigned char code table[]={0xc0,0xf9,0xa4,0xb0,0x99,0x92,0x82,0xf8,0x80,0x90,\ 
unsigned char i,a; 
a=0xfe; //bit selection initial value 
for (i=0; i<2; i++) //loop scan two-digit digital tube 
  P2|=0x1f; //clear bit selection 
  P0=table[dispram[i]]; //send display segment code 
  P2&=a; //select one bit 
  delay(4); //delay 2ms 
  a=_crol_(a,1); //Change the bit selection word 
  P0=0xff; //Eliminate 

  Key scan processing function unsigned char keyscan(void) 
  No parameters, return value: unsigned character type, 0 if no key is pressed, other if a key is pressed 
  Affects global variables: heatpower 
unsigned char keyscan(void) 

unsigned char i,ch; 
if (upkey==0) //"+" key 
  buzz=0; //Turn on the buzzer (make a key sound) 
  for (i=0;i<5;i++) display(); //Delay debounce 
  buzz=1; //Turn off the buzzerif 
  (heatpower<9) heatpower++; //Increase the gear position 
  dispram[1]=heatpower; //Display the current gearwhile 
  (upkey==0) display(); //Wait for the key to be releasedreturn 
  (1); //Return if a key is pressed 
  else if (downkey==0) //"-" key 
  buzz=0; //Turn on the buzzer (sound of a button press) 
  for (i=0;i<5;i++) display(); //Delay to eliminate bounce 
  buzz=1; //Turn off the buzzer 
  if (heatpower>0) heatpower--; //Minus one gear 
  dispram[1]=heatpower; //Display the current gear 
  while (downkey==0) display(); //Wait for the key to be released 
  return (2); //Return that a key has been pressed 
  else if (swkey==0) //Switch key 
  buzz=0; //Turn on the buzzer (sound of a button press) 
  for (i=0;i<30;i++) display(); //Delay to eliminate bounce 
  buzz=1; //Turn off the buzzer 
  swkey=1; //Set the switch key 
  while (swkey==0) display(); //Wait for the key to be released 
  ch=IE; //Temporarily store the interrupt control word IE 
  IE=0x00; //Disable interrupts 
  P2=0xff; //Clear port output 
  dispram[1]=0x10; //Display "--" 
  while (1) 
    while (swkey) display(); //Wait for the key to be pressedbuzz 
    =0; //Turn on the buzzer (make a key sound) 
    for (i=0;i<10;i++) display();//Delay debouncebuzz 
    =1; //Turn off the buzzerif 
    (swkey==0) break; //Confirm that the key is pressed 
  while (swkey==0) display(); //Wait for the key to be releasedIE 
  =ch; //Restore the interrupt control word IE 
  return (0); //Return that no key is pressed 
  else return (0); //Return when no key is pressed 

  Heating control function void heatctrl(void) 
  No parameters, no return valueJudge 
  whether to heat, heating power and gear indicator light processing 
void heatctrl(void) 

if (!tempov) //When there is no over-temperature mark 
  relay=0; //Turn on the relaybuzz 
  =1; //Turn off the buzzerswitch 
  (heatpower) //Judge the heating gear 
    case 0: {EX1=0;ET1=0;triac=1;led1=1;led2=1;led3=1;break;}//0 gear does not heat, indicator light is not on 
    case 1: 
    case 2: 
    case 3: 
    case 4: {led1=0;led2=1;led3=1;EX1=1;break;} //1~4 gear No. 1 indicator is on 
    case 5: 
    case 6: 
    case 7: 
    case 8: {led1=0;led2=0;led3=1;EX1=1;break;} //5~8 gear No. 1, No. 2 indicator lights are on 
    case 9: {EX1=0;ET1=0;led1=0;led2=0;led3=0;triac=0;break;} //9 gear full power, indicator lights are all on 
  else //When there is an over-temperature mark 
  relay=1; //Disconnect the relayEX1 
  =0; ET1=0; triac=1; //Turn off the thyristorbuzz 
  =0; //Buzz alarm 

  Temperature measurement function void temptest(void) 
  has no parameters, no return value, 
  affects global variables: ctemp, tempov 
  measures and calculates the temperature through table lookup to determine whether it is over-temperature 
void temptest(void) 

signed char temp,tempmin,tempmax; 
unsigned int t0rig; 
unsigned int code temptab[]={0x6262,0x61eb,0x6171,0x60f7,0x6047,0x5ff7,0x5f6e,0x5eef,0x5e53,0x5dbe,0x5d4b,0x5ca5,0x5c17,\ 
                             0x52dd,0x5240,0x5189,0x50b0,0x500 5,0x4f20,0x4e69,0x4db1,0x4cef,0x4c42,0x4b64,0x4aaa,0x49e1,\ 
                             0x3e33,0x3d86,0x3ca6,0x3bd2,0x3b 26,0x3a39,0x3973,0x38a6,0x37ef,0x373f,0x3687,0x35c3,0x3507,\ 
                             0x2c65,0x2bae,0x2b28,0x2a97,0x2a 07,0x298e,0x2914,0x287a,0x280d,0x278a,0x2703,0x2687 ,0x2626,\ 
                             0x25e5,0x256d,0x24ee,0x2489,0x2414,0x23bc,0x2356,0x22d9,0x2278,0x2203}; //Temperature frequency table 
px0count=2; //Frequency measurement interrupt function parameter 
t0tst=1; //Set frequency measurement program start flag 
EX0 =1; //Open the frequency measurement external interrupt 
testok=0; //Clear the frequency measurement program completion flag 
while (!testok) display(); //Wait for the test to complete 
t0rig=(unsigned int)TH0<<8|TL0; / /byte synthesis word 
tempmin=0; //The following is the binary table lookup method to calculate the temperature value 
tempmax=100; //tempmin and tempmax are the range of the temperature table 
while (1) 
  temp=(tempmax+tempmin)/2; / /Assume that the current temperature is the midpoint between the maximum and minimum values 
  ​​if (t0rig==temptab[temp]) break; //If the actual value is equal to the assumed value, end the search 
    else if (t0rig>temptab[temp]) tempmax=temp; //If the actual value is greater than the assumed value, reduce the maximum value of the search range 
    else tempmin=temp; //If the actual value If the search range is smaller than the assumed value, increase the minimum value of the search range 
  if (tempmax-tempmin<=1) //If the search range has been narrowed to 1 degree, 
    { //Judge which endpoint the actual value is closer to 
    if (temptab[tempmax]+ temptab[tempmin]>2*t0rig) temp=tempmax;//Close to the maximum value, take the maximum value 
      else temp=tempmin; //Close to the minimum value, take the minimum value 
    break; //End the search 
ctemp=temp; //Refresh the current Temperature register 
if (temp>65) tempov=1; //If the temperature exceeds 65 degrees, set the over-temperature flag 
  else if (temp<45) tempov=0; //When the temperature drops below 45 degrees, clear the over-temperature flag 

  Temperature measurement frequency test function void tempFrequency(void) 
  uses external X0 interrupt and register bank 1 
  to measure the temperature - the frequency of the frequency conversion circuit 
---------------------------- --------------*/ 
void tempfrequency(void) interrupt 0 using 1 

if (--px0count) return; //Find the starting point or count 
if (t0tst) //If it is the starting point 
  t0tst=0; //Clear the frequency measurement start flag 
  px0count=100; //Take 100 square waves as one frequency measurement 
  TL0=0; //Clear timer T0 
  TR0=1; //Start timing 
  else //If it is the end point 
  TR0=0; //Stop timing 
  EX0=0; //Stop frequency measurement external interrupt 
  testok=1; //Set frequency measurement completion flag 

/*--------- ----------------------------- 
  Heating control over-zero detection function void pass0(void) 
  uses external X1 interrupt, register group 2 
  detects over 0 o'clock, assign initial value to timer T1 
void pass0(void) interrupt 2 using 2 

unsigned char code powertab[]={0xd8,0xf0,0xe2,0x63,0xe5,0x25,0xe8,0x3e,0xeb,0x16,0xed,0xda,0xf0,0xb2,0xf3,0xcb,0xf7,0x8d,0xf7,0x8d}; //10 power levels of thyristor conduction angle delay parameter table 
TL1=powertab[2*heatpower+1]; //After the mains passes zero, assign delay parameters to timer T1 according to the currently set gear 
ET1=1; //Allow timer T1 interrupt 
TR1=1; //Turn on timer T1 

  thyristor trigger signal control function void tria CC trl(void) 
  uses timer T1 interrupt, register group 3 
  sends trigger signal to thyristor 
void triacctrl(void) interrupt 3 using 3 

register unsigned char i; 
triac=0; //output thyristor conduction signal 
ET1=0; //turn off timer T1 interrupt 
TR1=0; //stop timer operation 
for (i=0;i<2;i++); //delay to ensure that the conduction signal has enough width 
triac=1; //complete thyristor conduction signal 

Keywords:AT89C51 Reference address:AT89C51 instant water heater program

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