TC1232 is a highly integrated microprocessor monitor that provides three important functions to ensure the safe operation of the processor: precise power-on/power-off reset control, watchdog timer and external forced reset. At power-on, when VCC is within the tolerance range, TC1232 keeps the processor in reset state for at least 250 ms to ensure that the system can start stably. The robust operation of the microprocessor is monitored by the on-chip watchdog circuit. The microprocessor must provide a periodic low-level signal on the ST pin. Once the processor fails to provide this signal within the selected timeout period (150 ms, 600 ms or 1200 ms), it indicates that the processor is working and TC1232 will reset the processor. When the PB input is pulled low by an external button or other electrical signal, the TC1232 output is immediately driven to a valid state. When connected to a button, TC1232 provides a function to prevent contact malfunction. The TC1232 is available in area-saving 8-pin PDIP or SOIC packages, as well as 16-pin SOIC (wide body) packages, and requires no external components.
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