Regarding GaN devices, you should pay attention to these issues! GaN has advantages, but there are practical considerations for GaN technology in system applications. Therefore, you need to consider t
I am the third batch of candidates. I just got the board. Many netizens have already completed the development environment and created a new project. Let's step on the shoulders of giants and move for
1. Write an interrupt service routine
Write an ISR function c_intXX in the .c source file for interrupt processing, such as:
interrupt void c_intXX (void)
Note: For hardware interrupts, XX = 00
NB-IOT locator is a general term, which can be electric vehicle tracker, pet locator, asset risk control, student badge, etc. There are several reasons why NB-IOT is needed:
NB-IOT advantages!
1. Powe
When I first visited a Texas barbecue restaurant, I was so surprised by the variety of meats on the menu that I didn't know which one to choose. Fortunately, the restaurant offered a platter of three