A high-voltage, low-current drive circuit is required to drive the piezoelectric tubular positioner of the operating device in a scanning tunneling microscope. The circuit shown in Figure 1 has a -3dB
Intelligent Information Processing Peking University Tan Ying : https://training.eeworld.com.cn/course/5447Intelligent Information Processing Lectured by Tan Ying from Peking University
There are some chip models on Mitsubishi PLC devices, but I don't know the functions. For example, the following models: CG46842-107 CG46842-108 CG46842-125 CG47492-115 CG47492-116 Have you ever come
There are many places in PCB design that need to consider safety spacing. Here, they are temporarily classified into two categories: one is electrical related safety spacing, and the other is non-elec
I used the BTS7960 chip to form an H-bridge to drive a high-current motor, and the working voltage is 12V. [color=#ff0000]1. I started to let the motor rotate continuously; [/color] [color=#ff0000]2.