1. Introduction tothe functions that Timer_A can achieve
- multiple compare: Determines whether the timer reaches the set condition and triggers the event
- Multiple capture: Capture the time when an
3.2 Run the demo
a. Before powering on, make sure that SOP0 of AWR1843BOOST is set to 1 and the rest are set to 0. Connect the USB connection and power on the board.
b. Use a browser to open https://d
NodeMCU ESP8266 Development Board
Language: Micro Python
Problem: DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor, error message when executing, unable to read temperature and humidity:
I followed this example:
In order to thank the majority of netizens for their continued support of our ZOL Keyboard, Mouse and Camera Channel , this time we are holding a price reduction auction for gaming mice. The prize for
How can I contact the foundry service?
Some foreign customers want to place orders with domestic wafer foundries through us, ranging from 18 to 180 nanometer projects. Does anyone have the resources i