The rapid development of semiconductor technology has made microcontrollers more and more integrated, faster and faster in computing, and cheaper and cheaper in power consumption. In recent years, some 32-bit ARM microcontrollers have emerged with operating frequencies of up to several hundred MHz, which has solved the real-time problems that have troubled engineers. With the development of computer, communication and control technology, industrial control systems are moving towards networking and distribution. Fieldbus is both an open communication network and a fully distributed control system. It is now widely used in many industrial fields. CAN bus is a type of fieldbus. It is mainly used for detection and control of various equipment and is recognized as one of the most promising fieldbuses. Based on the ARM microcontroller AT91RM9200, this paper develops a marine meteorological element observation system with a CAN bus interface. The system can connect multiple CAN bus sensor nodes, and also has multiple communication ports such as Ethernet, USB, RS232, RS422, RS485, etc., with high reliability and strong anti-interference ability. CAN bus sensor nodes, composed of sensors, microprocessor chips (with embedded CAN controllers) and CAN transceiver modules, can independently complete the data collection of one or more meteorological elements, and can also realize data exchange with the CAN bus. The paper first introduces the overall design of the marine meteorological element observation system, then introduces the CAN bus implementation scheme of the sensor node, and then elaborates on the hardware composition and implementation of the development platform with AT91RM9200 as the core. Based on this hardware platform, it discusses in detail the embedded Linux development process and the work that needs to be completed when porting to a specific hardware platform, such as the porting of U-BOOT, the compilation and cutting of the Linux kernel, the production of the file system, the writing of the driver, and the development of the application.
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