When IGCT is used alone, no snubber circuit is required. However, IGCT needs to be used in series for high-voltage inverters of 6 kV and above to obtain a higher withstand voltage level. At this time,...
OPEN and CLOSE are two buttons, OPEN is a normally open button, CLOSE is a normally closed button. RL1 and RL2 are used to simulate loads.
Under normal circumstances, Q3 should have no output when pow...
I heard that it won't work because the pins of SIM900A are too dense. Does anyone know if it can be done?
Anxious +10086
As the eyes of engineers, oscilloscopes are one of the most commonly used time domain test and measurement instruments. 70% of oscilloscope users need to transfer data to devices other than oscillosco...
I have seen many big factories, such as Jiali Chuang, and they basically charge 100 yuan more for black paint (compared with green paint). I have also asked some small board factories, and their green...