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The first 4Mbit EEPROM memory chip

Source: InternetPublisher:newlandmark Keywords: STMicroelectronics Updated: 2021/02/10

Many people have heard of STMicroelectronics, but who knows about the chips it produces? STMicroelectronics (STMicroelectronics, referred to as ST; New York Stock Exchange code: STM ) has launched a new generation of memory chips that combine unprecedented storage capacity with read and write speeds and reliability. The new products allow the products and devices we use every day to do more, making our lives and work richer.

The first 4Mbit EEPROM memory chip

STMicroelectronics' new 4Mbit memory capacity EEPROM allows small devices to capture more data and save it in memory through the serial SPI bus. With this memory, instrumentation devices such as smart meters can increase the amount of data recorded, thereby managing the energy network more effectively and providing a more user-friendly billing method; portable medical devices can record patient data more intensively, improving medical care. Quality; consumer products such as smart wearable devices can support more user functions and higher accuracy; in these applications, the low power consumption characteristics of memory also help extend battery life. High-capacity memory can also bring benefits to various industrial control and communications infrastructure applications such as network switches.

Benoit Rodrigues, general manager of STMicroelectronics' memory division, said: "ST is recognized as the world's largest serial EEPROM chip manufacturer. Serial memories are widely used in consumer, industrial and automotive-related equipment systems. We will continue to promote technological innovation. On the market The first 4Mbit EEPROM device is produced using our own CMOS technology, which is currently the most advanced 110nm EEPROM process in the industry."

STMicroelectronics' M95M04 EEPROM memory combines unprecedented storage capacity with outstanding power efficiency for budget-conscious applications, expanding ST's reputation for highly reliable and durable 1 billion full-memory read and write cycles. Memory product family. The new product can write 512 bytes in 5ms, enabling fast system operation with low latency. The above is the introduction of the industry's first 4Mbit EEPROM memory chip by STMicroelectronics, allowing small devices to process more user data.




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