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Power modules for railway vehicles

Source: InternetPublisher:spectrum Keywords: flex pkj7200 series power module Updated: 2021/05/27

There are many types of power modules, and different power modules have different functions. Flex Power Modules announced the launch of PKJ7200 and PKJ7300 series power modules for railway vehicle equipment. The new modules are designed for the requirements of the EN 50155 standard for railway applications, including wide input voltage range, surge protection, power interruption and backup, wide operating temperature range, and shock and vibration resistance

These modules achieve high efficiencies of up to 92% at full load, reducing power consumption. They are available in a compact half-brick package that delivers high power density, saving space.

Power modules for railway vehicles

To cope with the many different voltages used on trains, they offer a wide input range from 60VDC to 160VDC. That is, they are able to handle harsh input voltage conditions, making it easier to reliably cope with brownouts and transients that can occur in rolling stock. To prevent damage to the module itself and the equipment it powers, these modules provide input undervoltage protection (UVP) and output overcurrent protection (OCP), overvoltage protection (OVP) and overtemperature protection (OTP).

The output power of the PKJ7200 series is 200W, while the PKJ series is 300W. The output voltages of both series include 12V, 13.8V, 15V, 24V, 48V and 54V. Olle Hellgren, director of product management and business development for Flex Power Modules, said: "Railway vehicles place demanding requirements on power components, such as wide voltage ranges, variable power supplies and harsh physical conditions. The new PKJ7000 power module provides the required reliability. sex, performance and affordability.”

The first two devices in the new series, the PKJ7216 and PKJ7316, are now available in OEM quantities. Flex Power Module will showcase its power module product portfolio for railway applications at booth 2040 at the "China International Modern Railway Technology and Equipment Exhibition (Modern Railways 2019)" to be held at the National Convention Center in Beijing from November 20 to 22 . The above is the Flex power module’s power module for railway vehicles. I hope it will be helpful to everyone when making a choice.




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