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ASIL-D Compliant Single-Chip Battery Monitor IC Overview

Source: InternetPublisher:方世玉223 Keywords: asil-d single-chip battery monitor Updated: 2021/12/26

I believe many people know about battery testers, so what is its role? Maxim Integrated Products, Inc (NASDAQ: MXIM) announced the launch of the MAX17853 battery monitor IC, providing a single-chip solution for automotive applications to help them pass the ASIL-D level Certification for a safer and more efficient battery management system. The MAX17853 is optimized for the design of large and medium-sized battery packs for electric and hybrid vehicles. The device uses Maxim's unique Flexpack flexible architecture, allowing customers to quickly change module configurations and respond quickly to market demands.

To meet safety standards, automotive applications require redundant components in the system. The MAX17853 is currently the only single-chip IC in the industry that supports large and medium-sized battery pack configurations and is ASIL-D compliant, enabling customers to create systems with the highest safety level in terms of voltage, temperature, communications, etc. The advanced battery balancing system automatically adjusts each battery according to time and voltage, minimizing the risk of battery overcharging and further improving system safety. Customers can achieve all the above functions without adding additional components such as redundant comparators, further reducing the solution size. In addition, compared with competing solutions, MAX17853 reduces system BOM costs by 35%, helping customers implement lower-cost BMS solutions.

ASIL-D Compliant Single-Chip Battery Monitor IC Overview

Flexibility is also a very important factor, and engineers must design and verify circuit boards and bills of materials (BOM) for different module configurations. The MAX17853 is the only IC in the industry that enables multi-channel configurations (8 to 14 cells) on a single circuit board. This saves customers’ review and certification time and shortens the development cycle by 50%. For example, customers can use the same circuit board to support 8-segment and 14-segment module designs, cutting development time and certification work in half.

Main advantages

·Safety: MAX17853 is the only large and medium-sized battery pack management solution in the industry that meets ASIL-D requirements for temperature, battery voltage, and communication.

·Simple design: Flexpack structure allows customers to change module configurations without re-changing circuit board design and circuit certification. The above is Maxim's release of the industry's only ASIL-D-compliant single-chip battery monitor IC, which supports large and medium-sized battery pack applications, requiring our designers to continue to innovate.




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