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Torque motor driving welding electrode circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:太白金星 Keywords: Motor drive torque motor BSP Updated: 2021/08/28

28. Torque<strong>motor drive</strong><strong>circuit of welding electrode</strong>.gif

Torque motor driving welding electrode circuit

It can be used for welding the connection between the motor armature
winding end and the commutator (the wire
diameter of the armature is 0. 1-0. 7mm, and the maximum outer diameter of the commutator
is 50mm). Of course, it can also be used to
connect other wires, etc. In the pressure welding
    between the armature winding end and the commutator of the welded motor
, the welding current, welding time and welding electrode
pressure are the three main process parameters that require adjustment
. The pressure of the welding electrode depends on the locked-rotor torque of the torque motor . The locked-rotor torque is proportional
to the current flowing through its armature , so as long as the current (or armature voltage) is adjusted, the pressure of the welding electrode on the object to be welded can be adjusted.




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