Siren signal generator circuit
Source: InternetPublisher:闪电杰克 Keywords: signal generator generator circuit oscillator pulse Updated: 2021/01/08
Siren signal generator circuit
Shown is a siren signal generator circuit consisting of a six-inverter integrated circuit CD4069 . Inverters 1 and 2 form an
ultra-low frequency pulse oscillator , and NOT gates 3 and 4 form a high-frequency oscillator. NOT gates 5 and 6 form a bass oscillator. The output of the ultra-low frequency pulse
controls the high and low frequency oscillators to oscillate in turn through the diodes VDI and VD2. The oscillation signals are
amplified by the semiconductor transistor VT1 through VD3 and VD4 respectively, and then drive the siren sound from the speaker.
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