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High voltage centralized compensation capacitor circuit

Source: InternetPublisher:兰博 Keywords: High voltage compensation capacitor BSP Updated: 2021/06/06

16.<strong>High Voltage</strong>Concentrated<strong>Compensation Capacitor</strong><strong>Circuit</strong>.gif

High-voltage centralized compensation is to centrally install high-voltage capacitor banks on the 6-10kV busbar of the factory power substation. This compensation method can only compensate
the reactive power on the lines before the 6-10kV bus, but the reactive power of the lines in the factory behind the bus cannot be fully compensated, so the
economic effect of this compensation method is worse than the latter two compensation methods. Poor approach. However, the initial investment of this compensation method is small, it is convenient for centralized operation and maintenance, and it can effectively compensate the reactive power on the high-voltage side of the factory
to meet the requirements of the total power factor of the factory. Therefore, this compensation method is used in some large companies.
It is quite common in medium-sized factories .
    The figure is a wiring diagram of a centralized compensation parallel capacitor bank connected to the 6~10kV bus of the power substation and distribution station. The capacitor banks here adopt △ connection and
are installed in a complete set of capacitor cabinets. In order to prevent phase-to-phase short circuits caused by capacitor breakdown, each side of the △-shaped connection is protected by high-voltage fuses.
    Since there is residual voltage when the capacitor is removed from the power supply, the residual voltage can reach the peak value of the grid voltage, which is extremely dangerous to human life,
so a discharge device must be installed. The voltage mutual inductance auxiliary TV primary winding in the picture is used for discharge. In order to ensure reliable discharge,
fuses or switches must not be installed in the discharge circuit of the capacitor bank .
  According to the regulations of GB50053-1994. The indoor high-voltage capacitor device should be installed in a separate room. When the capacitor bank capacity is small, it can be installed
in the high-voltage distribution room, but the distance from the high-voltage distribution device should not be less than 1.5m.




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