night light lighting circuit
Source: InternetPublisher:风向双子座 Keywords: Lighting circuit BSP resistor light control circuit Updated: 2021/10/25
In the circuit, the power circuit consists of the step-down capacitor c1, the bleeder resistor R, the Zener diode vs, the integer diode VD and the filter capacitor
G, the switch s and the battery GB; the light control circuit consists of the resistor R2 and the photoresistor RG . It is composed of transistors VT1 and VT2. 'After the AC 220V voltage is stepped down by Ci, stabilized by vs, rectified by VD and filtered by Cz, it provides a DC voltage of about 12V
for the lighting EL and light control circuit
, and also charges the GB through S.
During the day, RG is exposed to light and assumes a low resistance state, VT1 and VT2 are cut off, and EL does not light up. At night, RG becomes a high-resistance state, and the voltage at both ends
is higher than 1.4V, causing VT1 and VT2 to become saturated and conductive, and EL is energized and emits light.
Actual night light as shown in the picture
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